Anne M. St.Pierre
Anne M. St.Pierre offers workshops, private lessons and group classes in competitive dog sports including breed handling, AKC competitive obedience, and rally. Anne has titled her own dogs and handled others in obedience, rally, and the breed ring. Her focus is a positive and holistic approach, based on developing training methods that are both enjoyable and effective for new and seasoned teams.
Anne has the following credentials: -AKC CGC Instructor -AKC Farm Dog Judge -AKC Temperament Test Evaluator -AKC STAR Puppy Instructor StoneCircle Mov N Violation - LAYLA
HOF CH Calais Carolina Rebel Yell x HOF Peppertree's Cookies N Cream
ASCA: UD, RM, RS-O, GS-O, JS-E AKC: CGC, CDX, OA, OAJ, TKA NAFA: FMCH Multiple Obedience High in Trial - Australian Shepherd Club of America Ranked #8 in Open Obedience - final standings: AKC USASA 2011-12 Ranked #11 in Open Obedience - final standings: ASCA 2011-12 About Layla
Her absence is like the sky, spread all over everything. - C.S. Lewis Layla (aka The Mighty La) was a lovely blend of brain and brawn wrapped up in a bow of good looks and spirited charm. When it was time to work or play, she was totally intense, though her conspicuous sense of humor was never far beneath the surface! She was focused, fast, lovely, and a powerful girlie. Layla's personality, devotion, intelligence, reserve, and versatility can easily be summed up in two words: Australian Shepherd. For me, Layla was that once in a lifetime heart dog - my quintessential companion, family member, teammate, and protector. We titled in many venues including conformation, agility, obedience, rally, and even flyball - she taught me many important lessons. When not doing something silly that I asked her to do, she loved hiking and swimming. Mostly, she liked being with me. I adored her and miss her terribly. Layla: 4/8/07-8/4/20 Pedigree for Layla Equinox Driv N On The Edge - CRUISE
BIS AKC GCH/ASCA CH Equinox The Edge of Reason, RE x
HOF BIS AKC CH Rainyday's Pandemonium AKC: CGCA, CGCU, AX, OAJ, CD, RAE ASCA: A-CH, CD, REX AKC USASA Merit Year 2018: Ranked #2 Aussie - Agility, Excellent Std AKC RALLY NATIONAL COMPETITION Invitation - Excellent Class - 2018 AKC RALLY NATIONAL COMPETITION Invitation - Excellent Class - 2017 Multiple Rally High in Trial - Australian Shepherd Club of America High Combined Rally - AKC AKC USASA Merit Year: Ranked #4 Aussie - Nov B Rally About Cruise
Cruise is a super nice guy; Layla made sure of that when he walked through my door at 4 months old. He is intuitive, thoughtful, and perhaps the smartest dog I know. He has some of my favorite pedigree lines behind him. All of that is the icing on the red velvet cake! Cruise loves to work and learns new behaviors quickly and easily - he easily progressed to utility exercises as a young pup. He smart, versatile, and very funny. He never turns down an opportunity that holds adventure and excitement (or food). He is curious, silly, handsome, and has a super sense of humor. If he is not at my side, then he's at my feet....all....the....time. Wherever I find him, he always makes me smile! Pedigree for Cruise |