SONG 1: Mitch Thomas - adjunct faculty, humanities
SONG 2: Rachel King - instructional designer & assessment coordinator
SONG 3: The Jalbert Singers @ Four Hundred: Rachel Bishop, learning & advising specialist, Michelle Bourne, JMG college success specialist, Deia Christner, learning & advising representative, Maria D'Auria, learning & advising specialist, Christine Lee, learning & advising specialist, Eric Meader, director of learning and advising, Liz Oken. director of placement & transfer services
SONG 4: Liz Oken, director of placement & transfer services, and Anne St. Pierre,faculty, human services
SONG 5: Curry Caputo - faculty, building construction technology
SONG 6: Kathy Tombarelli - workforce development specialist
SONG 7: Casey Rayburn - faculty, automotive technology
SONG 8: Glen Bolduc, faculty, nursing
SONG 9: The J-Thirteen Rockers: Jean Blais, student services specialist, Nicholas Hamel, dean of students, Josh Kramley, residence hall director, Grimes Williams, associate dean of students
SONG 10: Kern Philgence, workforce development curriculum designer